Boys will be boys

Today's post is dedicated to all the parents out there who are doing their best the handle their high energy children. Lord knows is not easy. Many of us have forgotten how we were when we were children. Our lives are busy with all the activities related to surviving. If you're a single parent then I applaud you even more. The amount of power it takes to juggle work and raise children is unbelievable. I am one of four children that my mom raised all by herself. Four children means four times the amount of mess in the house , four times the amount of money to cover basic needs , an four times the noise. I once took my daughter to my hometown Cleveland OH and to New York City for the Afropunk festival. It never occurs to me how expensive it is to pay for double of everything. My money was evaporating like an ice cube left in the hot sun. It shrank and shrank until it was gone. So, if anyone reading this is struggling with taking care of children alone, know that you have my deepest respect.
Recently, the number of people I know who have been denied access to their own children is increasing. I'm sending all the good energy and positive thoughts I can to those people as well so that they may find the strength to keep moving forward until their children eventually come to find them.
The boys in this photo are energetic and bright. They most certainly are a handful. Their father is a painter and their mother is a clinical psychologist. Unfortunately, things didn't work out between their parents and so the mom was raising them by herself. She's one of the most brilliant people I know. She's also one of the kindest. I know everyday loud screaming and endless fighting for her attention may have tested the limits of her “kindness”. All I can say is hang in there. You got this.