Our best friends
I saw this photo on my hard drive today. It made me think of how amazing it is that we can share our lives with dogs. Do you ever stop...

Tokyo rap battle
When I was a kid I had no idea that I would be able to witness a rap battle in Ueno park. I was there when hip hop started to become...

Chameleon eyes
I took this picture two years ago when my friend Ed and I found a hookah bar in Tokyo. Ed did all the smoking. He puffed away on that...

Wake up. Time to make something
When the urge to create something hits, you have to act quickly before the embers fade. They say mastery of anything is for the young...

I hope you like potato salad
From the Broadway squad, there was Jeffrey Miloro. The thing I remember most about him was the fact that he almost always was smiling. He...

Follow along
I've seen time move across the shrinking mountain just beyond the tree line heard the voices of young women talk about how far it is to...

Vision or war
Andre Franklin had a gigantic smile and ease about him that made people feel relaxed. He had a laugh that could immediately chase away a...

Mirror mirror
And just like that I suddenly began to wonder what it all meant. Here I am spending 365 days posting images and telling stories. In the...

The Broadway Squad pt II
The first time I had ever heard music by Mary J. Blige was when my friend Dodi brought it over to Jeff’s house. It was a cool blend of...

The Broadway Squad pt I
One picture and one story a day is the mission. I fell asleep yesterday before I could post, so I skipped a day. It happens sometimes. ...